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Unlimited random deals are free.
Download hands and double dummy results from your club’s BridgeWebs website. [Use option "Load"; then "Web search to find deals"; find your your club site; go to your results page; touch the "Hands" tab, then touch "Download as Pbn"].
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This app offers a choice of Standard American Yellow Card (SAYC), simplified Acol (EBU) system for beginners, Standard Acol or Benji Acol.
For any bidding style, choose optional conventions: 5-card majors, Benji weak and strong twos, ELH two-suited overcall, ASPTRO 1NT overcall, Roman Key Card Blackwood, standard Blackwood, Gerber, Quantitative 4NT, Baron 3C ‘Normal’ Stayman or Puppet, Stayman, Jacoby 2NT 1-suit support, Truscott 2NT 1-suit doubled support, Ogust responses, Inverted minors, Unassuming Cue Bid, Splinter, Strong jump overcall, Weak take-out choices.
There is also a choice of weak or strong 2-level opening bids for each suit, selection of preferred high card point ranges for weak or strong 1NT and 2NT bids and control of ‘bidding aggression level’ during contested auctions.
**Note for BEGINNERS and improvers: turn off any convention you do not recognise and set "aggression" to low. You will find the bidding easier to follow!
Experienced players can make full use of the Convention Card wizard.
If you find any problem or have queries / suggestions, please email Helen at [email protected]